We as a people come across with many rise and fall in our life and then gradually be accustomed to live with all such matters. We love some matters very deeply and hate some matters very badly. Even we have left are good or sometime very bad past in the past time, even we have all wealth and some time god gifted poverty, even we have some family headache and sometime we are as a headache of family; every one want to be pleased. No matters how are they and from which are they belonging. The happiness originates from the heart is basic universal need for everyone. People can be ready to face any hardship if it is been rewarded with happiness. However, as we, all know the happiness of the real heart soul charm is the ultimate need of us; we all are trying to get it from this material world. How long you can love one material thing in this world. Your consciousness will not allow spending time on just one thing for long time. It is very dynamic and changes its interests very soon. Just like, we love some sweet to eat and fortunately, we get it. And ate it. Then what is guarantee of the fully satisfaction of our consciousness. After eating of the sweet, it creates one more requirement. This is how the endless chain of the requirement is going on and our consciousness cannot come out of its net. However still there are some cases happen in our life, which realize the truth of happiness. Where exactly the ultimate happiness is situated? What is the destination of the endless joy? Where is that utmost feeling we ever want to come out from our soul?
One poor old woman is trying to search her needle outside her house in the streetlight during night. One passed nearby asks her what you are doing in this night. She answered my needle is lost somewhere in my house and I do not know where. However here is enough light to get it back and I am trying to search it. Happiness is also somewhere near to our soul within our heart-home and still we all are trying to search it out of our criterion. The source of the real happiness is situated within one’s soul and there we need not to have the material presence of anything. Any physical entity cannot give ultimate joy, which lasts until the end of life. It is just the light of outside where we attract to get our most deserved happiness. Nevertheless, the truth remains uncovered until the end of life why we are not happy even after we possess many materials and physical nexuses during our entire life. We all have lost something very important within our own soul and searching in the outer light always all over the life. When we realize the matter, we can be free from this outer attractions and temptations. We need to have reason for smiling and enjoying ourselves as one mad person. To be the wisest or to be the foolish is the only way to get ultimate happiness. Who learn and be wisest in the life and has not any question in the mind is the passenger of endless journey of happiness. Others are simply not eligible to join this trip. As we want to come out from our own personality to others personality, we need such person to get its valuable guidance. As student cannot be learnt without learnt teacher, we cannot elevate our spirit to upper progress without learnt master. One who has done with the searching of such mastermind expert has begun its first step of the journey. However, thousand miles of journey begins with first step. They are the definite happy person in this miserable life where there is no guarantee of the life-end.
It is true that when you desire something, which originates in the soul, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Here desire comes from our side and mighty master as its role of whole universe will do rest of the thing.
One poor old woman is trying to search her needle outside her house in the streetlight during night. One passed nearby asks her what you are doing in this night. She answered my needle is lost somewhere in my house and I do not know where. However here is enough light to get it back and I am trying to search it. Happiness is also somewhere near to our soul within our heart-home and still we all are trying to search it out of our criterion. The source of the real happiness is situated within one’s soul and there we need not to have the material presence of anything. Any physical entity cannot give ultimate joy, which lasts until the end of life. It is just the light of outside where we attract to get our most deserved happiness. Nevertheless, the truth remains uncovered until the end of life why we are not happy even after we possess many materials and physical nexuses during our entire life. We all have lost something very important within our own soul and searching in the outer light always all over the life. When we realize the matter, we can be free from this outer attractions and temptations. We need to have reason for smiling and enjoying ourselves as one mad person. To be the wisest or to be the foolish is the only way to get ultimate happiness. Who learn and be wisest in the life and has not any question in the mind is the passenger of endless journey of happiness. Others are simply not eligible to join this trip. As we want to come out from our own personality to others personality, we need such person to get its valuable guidance. As student cannot be learnt without learnt teacher, we cannot elevate our spirit to upper progress without learnt master. One who has done with the searching of such mastermind expert has begun its first step of the journey. However, thousand miles of journey begins with first step. They are the definite happy person in this miserable life where there is no guarantee of the life-end.
It is true that when you desire something, which originates in the soul, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. Here desire comes from our side and mighty master as its role of whole universe will do rest of the thing.