It is been the human temperament of getting into affection to its opposite gender. People consider this thing as many different ways as the experience notations change from person to person. Religious persons consider it as Maya – the illusionary actions set by God and mostly common people are disabled to avoid it without doing solid efforts to reduce the effect of it, because they basically do not want to see realism other than blaming God. As darkness is the mere absence of the light, Maya comes under way in the mere absence of the inner knowledge; means that Maya had not been created, but we born this under lake of inner sense.
Common people consider it as attraction of youth; basically it’s not limited to youth only. Those who could not digest such changes consider it as fall of life and who understand it properly consider it as rise of life. Even society is also unable to maintain the liquidity of such reality and imposes many rules and regulation to keep the tranquility, because the subject of solid discovery always dwells disguised to common people. That is why the overall inner strength of any society is considered by the knowledge of its common people. However this is not the focus of the title. Nonetheless people who consider themselves as under the effect of such illusion are the main focus of the title. It is very nice destiny if you are out of such illusion after understanding it as it is. Things are always for some lessons and who are persuasive to this matter are real realistic. It does not mean we have to learn after the time of any bad event comes into our life. Good things come first always if we are vigilant enough to our life cycles. Those who consider it as a happy signal of life lives like king of the world. To being unto love is the same happy signal of the life. I want make one clarification before going farther ahead. Love is not any sexual satisfactions by any mean; this is just a western persuasion. Hence do not take it as universal mean. To make pleased the person and same way to remain pleased is Love. Wherever places this definition applies are happy love for ever. Wherever the expectations of each other are prior are always cause of lamentation. Love does not need physical close distance to please the person. To have the happy thoughts which always direct to that person peculiar behoof. Persons who has not selfishness for any reason, has not any specific dreams of mundane matters are the real lover of the God. Because the ultimate matter for Love is only God. Persons are not for ever special as far as the physical existence is concerned. Person who understands and accepts the way of life according to God wish is the real Lover.
Though I would like to say that to understand the wish of God is crucial one where your entire sophistication does not help you at all. The spiritual altitude helps the person to prioritize the matter of life. Which things are in the welfare of all and God seems it legal for us is the spiritual thinking attitude. To please particular one and spend entire life after it is obvious foolishness, unless you find your God within that person. Love is not limited to any particular one. There are many people whose contributions to our life are many more important. We are bounded to please all of them but spiritual way only. If they are cause of interfere in our spiritual life then they are also avoidable. Unless we do not feel any such diversions we have many broad views to live happily forever. If we really compassion to any of our beloved one then we should always consider its extreme behoof out of our own expectations. Those who care the expectations and welfare of their surrounded people are taken care by the God; they have not any certain expectation which violates its spiritual policy. No matter we have the person’s closeness or not, we always think for its welfare. Personal company is not any way the requirement of such love. If person dies for any such extreme lamentation which caused the break of their company shows the limited domain of one’s life. The spiritual touch broads the domain of people as it is very broad and immeasurable itself by any one. Those who can love God can love any things made by God. Even though we tell that we love God but it’s not true unless we have such broad view to love each and every person.
Many times abandonment of our own dreams is also playing the crucial role in our love life to achieve bless of God. Dreams are mere imagination and awaken persons should not waste their time for fake stories. To achieve anything other than God we need dreams and our rigid goal, but once we are out of such illusionary effect we need not to see any dreams. It is only one awaken land where person live in real and have not any further fake dreams.