Saturday, April 26, 2008

Condonation toward condemned

Society needs laws, rules and regulation to conduct the commerce of the Government and people as well. According to these rules and regulation, offenders get appropriate sentence for their offences. At this stage, we cannot consolidate the condonation to any offender, but there are many cases in our daily routine, where we can try to reduce the over all offence level in the society. First thing is who can be condoned and by whom. Condonation is given to one, who is loved by us. Parents always condone to their children and only reason behind this is they love their children. Parents condone to their children before their condemnation. They dream for their child, before its birth. They are mentally prepared to condone to their child, because they want to give all those, which they cannot get. Same concept applies to the relation of Master and disciple. Master condones to his disciple before his offence, because master knows his disciple and his nature as well. He also knows about the condemnation, which might have been done by him. This is how the condonation comes in one’s nature by knowing relevant condemnation in advanced.

When you get to know the possible condemnation of your peers and other people, who affect your status and your are mentally prepared for that in advanced, definitely, you have power to give condonation toward them. Nevertheless, many people cannot condone because of their higher expectation. When you expect more from somebody and if he or she finds to be condemned, you cannot condone them. Steadfast person can condone to others and that is why he has no more expectation to others. Parents love their child and can condone to their child as well, it does not mean they have no expectation, but they never expect things, which cause to their child to be condemned and that is why they can condone to their child. Indian traditional culture also followed the rule of condonation. It is told that condonation is a big weapon of steadfast and calm persons. Whenever you condone others in spite of his/ her condemnation, you can win that person due to your steadfast sense. It is not easy for all to condone others because they have not the prerequisites for having merits of giving condonation. Only reason behind this is access of expectations.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Devotion is superior to Ambition

The generalization of both of these term devotion and ambition is “To get”. Nevertheless, the objectives of both things are very different. To get something materials is ambition and to get almighty God is devotion. After all things depends on the relevant importance of the things in one’s life. If one can understand its own welfare then after one prefers which is best for him/her. To be materialized and be prosperous is also one’s economical welfare but one’s spiritual welfare is more important than any other welfare. If prosperity cannot give you the ultimate peace and emancipation then why should you involve within it entirely. Bharat sacrificed all the royal prosperity when he had been given the entire kingdom during Ram’s dwelling in forest. Devotion to Ram was superior there than ambition to get something.

Bharat gave up all the royal wealth and abandoned his mother as well who was the reason behind the chaos. Bharat knew that real happiness was under the devotion to almighty God Ram not in the being king of kingdom. When you are free from all the bugs and disease of getting something, you can reach the level of emancipation where your attitude toward world is totally changed. Ambition converts from ‘get it’ into ‘give up’ and that is devotion.

When you give something, your hand will be up and when you get something, your hand will be down. This position of hands points to the height of devotion, which is always higher and superior than the rest of the world. When you realize that nothing is mine, you can give them easily to others without hesitation and you love to God who possesses all the physical and non-physical things in this universe. This love to God is the aspire of devotion and makes all things easy for you when each things are meaningful to you. You persuade yourself, what is mine here and what I should do for getting things, which is realy, mine.
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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Reincarnation to Omnipresent God

Living attribute’s real solidity from non-realistic world is its first entry to physical world according to practical life. I mentioned here practical-life because there are many lives like practical life, religious life, married life, duteous life, entertaining life, Virtuous life and love life. Physical inhabitants recognize it as ‘Birth’ word. However, ‘Birth’ is also relative view. You before did not see that thing and if you are watching it first time, you must tell it as the ‘Birth’ of that thing. However, that living attribute’s existence is there, before the existence of this world. Hence, ‘Birth’ is according to practical life, which is nothing but conversation process according to religious life or spiritual life.

Conversation of living attribute from one state to another state is death of first state and birth of another state for that living attribute. Religious-persons accept this event as reincarnation or rebirth, but science does not. Science can accept that no one can produce new source of power and no power can be lost. Only power can be convert from one state to another. By this way, power is constant quantity across the whole universe. Living attribute is nothing but a creation and a part or kernel of this Power formed God. God has main two kernels and between those, living attribute is one sort of dynamic function where other one is lifeless attributes. By this way, we can distribute whole universe into living sort of organisms and lifeless attributes completely. However if there is not any remainder after this classification then it is also true that ‘God is every where’, ‘God is in every particle’ and there is nothing without only mighty God. That is why if you remove God word from this world then there is nothing remainder after that. Only God is a name of all events, works, things, and existences of physical – nonphysical entities.
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Ramayana resolves the intensity of affection

Affection is a big enemy of folks for who are involved into specific dutiful works. The Javan of army (army soldier), remote service-man and woman, police man and many more folks many times bear this affection problem towards their home, family members and may be with loved-one. When person is leaving his/her native or any thing where his / her feelings involved, it would be very tedious to bear this situation of farewell. But what Ramayana says for this issue as it solves our every problems is like this.

Ramayana imposes the importance of the duty rather than feelings. It does not mean that feelings are useless but it is there where it is needed most. God Shree Ram was very emotional with his family members that we can see by many incidents of Ramayana. When Bharat injured in conflicts or Laxman swooned in Lanka, Ram had cried childishly. This shows us the importance of feelings where it is needed most. But when Ram left Ayodhya (Kingdom of Lord Ram) for dwelling in forest, he had not seen back in drawing into emotions. Even Laxman had not seen back towards his wife Urmila for sympathy. This shows the dedication toward duties. If the importance of duty is rigid in your mind then no one can stop you and no any emotion can interrupt you.

Preference is important when situation comes with conflicts of your choices and that time prior preference goes to only and only to your duties. Who respects his / her duties can become loved one of God and rest of the world as well.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

What is the solution of control?

Control is not a matter of just one day or occasion on which you need to be controlled. For being controlled, you need to behave controlled in your every day life with every aspect of the life or over every issue of your daily life.

You may arise a question why dose we need to be controlled in our life. If you want to pass the examination then you need to revise all your exercises many times, such as you need to work hard to control your gestures, postures and emotions as well.

To change the track of your life, you must be slow in your rest works to avoid them gradually. Because rigidity of bad things are so strong and needs to take time to remove them. We often think why bad things come speedy and good things come gradually. But thing is that we have more experienced of bad things than good things to accept in our life. Our mind is psychologically set to accept bad things speedily, but it takes time to accept good things because we think that it is not easy as bad things. To be drunkard and to smoke are not hard but to leave these habits are much much hard. To overcome this psychology we need be controlled.

As we can see that there are two sides of a coin, similarly two sides of our life are bad and good things. Good is what is happening according to as per the convention and bad means not to be happened. Actually all things happen according to conventions only, but our imaginations are different over those issues.

There are some inputs in our life and according to that we get output in our rest life which may be good or bad depends on those input passed by us. To see, to think, to eat, to listen, to feel are our inputs of life and accordingly we get output in our nature and behavior as well. If you see bad things every day and you are happy with those things then definitely bad things will be occurred to you as output of those. If you are eating non-eatables then your health will be spoiled as output. If you are listening bad-words and you are happy with that, once you will also speak bad-words as output.

So the ultimate decision is control is necessary in our daily life issues. Then after you can expect full-controlled life and it can make you unique one among others. You can really feel free from demerits and bugs. If soft rope can make signs on wall by every day activities of in and out, why people can not be as they want to be. Be specific on your virtues and stick to them rigorously for being controlled at all.