One loving and caring mother losses her two to three year child. It’s quite possible in this large amount of people! One ambitious sports person loses his leg. Possible! One just married wife losses her loving husband. Again possible! A child loses its parents with its birth and spends very miserable life throughout the end. Certainly possible! One most deserving boyfriend who sacrifices his everything for his girlfriend and his girlfriend marries other person. Highly likely to be done! A highly pressurized service person is been scold by his boss. Possible! Floor cleaner of public place has just cleaned the floor, even floor is not yet dried and person pass by him spoils the floor with his dirty shoes. Highly possible in the many manner less public areas! The application code created by the programmers without sleeping two days and nights are cancelled by his manager due to misunderstanding in customer communication. Happens! The assignments done by students are rejected by his teacher, the dishes prepared by the cook is not in line with the dishes order by the customer in the reputed restaurant, the train for which you have booked in advanced for two months to go to without fail is late for five hours, the flight in which you are flying is suspected with the humor of having bomb implanted, the bus full of passengers falls down in the valley from the narrow road side. These all are possible. In fact, it is highly likely to be done in the complex world full of human spices.
Although the numbers of persons are living in this world is more than the number of persons died in the future, there are same number of event which is highly unlikely to be done. Why the mother having lost her two year child cannot smile? The world is not to be end after the death of her son. There are many reasons to smile even after the worse things happen in our life. The pain is in fact not measureable in this case and many becomes like dumb and quite as a vegetative. It happens, by accepting the fact that this is the worse ever happen in her life, she stops enjoying, smiling and doing her work. Even we cannot smile in front of her knowingly after getting her pain. However, it is highly unlikely to be done that she smiles rest of the life for not to neglecting forthcoming happiness in her life. When the ultimate goal of life is crashed in a brutal way, person cannot be happy. He becomes quite like psycho and forgets the other important things. However it is highly unlikely to be done that one can smile and live happily throughout the life as a wise sage. To end the life in the extreme pain of the events happened in our life is easy, but to spend whole life happily with that pain is highly unlikely.
How we think that it is the extreme pain one has ever felt? We should think for other worse part of this large world. We are not alone to suffer this pain always. All these happen in the course of time in this material world and it’s not new. All is highly likely to be happened. However why can’t we think for the things which are hard or highly unlikely to be done after such events. The consequences are always good if we take it in highly positive manners. Why can’t we smile ourselves when we wake up? Why can’t we smile security members of public place when we are being checked by them? Why can’t we smile an office boy when we are requesting a glass of water? Why can’t we smile receptionist opening the door of restaurant for us? Why can’t we smile when we are in the elevator with other unknown faces? Why can’t we smile when we pick up unknown number in cell phone? Why can’t we smile cleaners of public place? Why can’t we smile the person pass by us? Why can’t we smile when we are going through the bad moments? Why can’t we smile our roommate when entering the room? Why can’t we smile before sleeping?
Is it so that all are very highly unlikely to be happen?