There are many factors of joy and happiness in this world. All so called factors are just flashy as they possess the fixed form. Whatever is fixed formed is fixed to change or vanish one day. However God is the real dynamism and that never changes and never will be vanished. This dynamism is the real beauty of this world. We get delighted with the factor of joys and many laymen wish to get all this joy in their life. Some dream to visit the beautiful natural places of this world. Some dream to visit the miracles of this world. Some dream to get the world tour. Some dream to go to the moon, out of this world. They feel that these dreams can give them happiness if materialize. However that is just mere imagination. These dreams are mere mirage which does not exist at all.
Suppose we are visiting some beautiful hill station which is so called famous natural place. We visited and get delighted, but think that we are not alone. Our family, our kinsman or our loved ones are with us and that adds the real beauty. If we are alone to visit that place we cannot enjoy the natural beauty of that place. In contrast, it looks horrible. The real joy is to get the happiness of our loved one and the persons which are there around us. If they are not there, beauty is no more beauty for us. Now we can say that real beauty is within human being or the person to whom we love most. No wait; the real beauty is not any human being or our loved one. Because when breathing stops for this loved one or human being, one cannot keep them for long time. The person is same, body is same, and face is same but the God which was there within is not now there and hence that person is no more useful for anyone, that loved one cannot give any more happiness as the real beauty factor has left the soul. Any dream or any material factor of this world are just flashy joyful factors, they are not persistent. The thing which is persistent is God for this whole universe. One energy which holds this whole physical and non-physical spreads. A superpower with greatest dynamism is the real beauty of this world.
If I need the everlasting joy of this world, no need to visit any place of this world. The real beauty is inhabited within my body and that is very near to me. To get the real delight, all places are far away than our own soul. The real beautify God is within us which makes sense to our importance in this world.