A person having spiritual etiquettes can create the most influence among people. However, just showing up the dressing is not called any etiquette. We can differentiate many so called saints, devotees and followers by their dresses. But the dress colors do not change our spirituality. Having no hairs on head or having very long hairs will not increase our devotion. Spiritual etiquettes are not just limited to our external performance. In fact, there is nothing like to follow as spiritual etiquettes. It is automatic that we would like to accept in our life after experiencing the super power God. An automatic process which does not need to be created does not need to be performed and dose not need to be followed.
A simple dress of saints does not mean it is the dress code, but they do not have such charm to wear attractive. To eat simple dishes does not mean that we have to eat simple only in order to get God orientation, but spiritual persons win the test over any food and hence all food is equal for them. They always repeat God’s name, God’s pray and all activities where God is only the center, this does not mean spiritual person should follow such all religious rituals, but the real spiritual person do not have interest in earthy matters and do not want to involve in any such activities which create distance between god and them and this thing is just common for them as inhaling. In this deed oriented world, one cannot be retired in not to doing any deed. To just seat and doing nothing productive does not means deeds are stopped for that person. Our thinking will never stop and that creates deeds. Instead of seating idle, spiritual person would always like to be God oriented. They do not have to speak more on any topics, because they have no more questions on any on going transactions. They do not have any surprises in their eyes, because they strongly believe that whatever is going on is due to only God’s wish.
They do not have extreme access of joy and sad, because they have strong vote towards God’s existence. Even though nature experiences the doom disaster, their minds do not deflect even slightly. They are not biased to any earthy matters. They are always neutral as a stone. If you praise against stone, stone does not show its happiness. If you abuse stone, it dose not show its sadness. The world has no power to deflect their confidence. No one can change their way. To experience the real existence of God eternally within us is the prime well task for them; everything is secondary or nothing for them. They are always ahead for human services and always back for honors and appreciations. All human beings are brother and sisters for them and treating same as children of only one God. They do not touch others wealth and always pray for others health. They have compassion in their hearts for all panic poor people but do not have the feeling of revenge to anybody. To follow truth is to follow God is their strong belief. To live according to God’s wish is their motto and hence they do not require any comforts and facilities. There are many more merits of God’s real child, but to behave based on situations according to God’s wish is their main motto.
Even above all merits can be changed because these are listed merits of particular situations and we can say in short that spiritual persons do not take self decisions, they always ask God before doing any things and behave accordingly to the latest exhortation of God. All these etiquettes are as common as their breathing, they do not need to put any extra effort to do this and that is the real thing to observe.
A simple dress of saints does not mean it is the dress code, but they do not have such charm to wear attractive. To eat simple dishes does not mean that we have to eat simple only in order to get God orientation, but spiritual persons win the test over any food and hence all food is equal for them. They always repeat God’s name, God’s pray and all activities where God is only the center, this does not mean spiritual person should follow such all religious rituals, but the real spiritual person do not have interest in earthy matters and do not want to involve in any such activities which create distance between god and them and this thing is just common for them as inhaling. In this deed oriented world, one cannot be retired in not to doing any deed. To just seat and doing nothing productive does not means deeds are stopped for that person. Our thinking will never stop and that creates deeds. Instead of seating idle, spiritual person would always like to be God oriented. They do not have to speak more on any topics, because they have no more questions on any on going transactions. They do not have any surprises in their eyes, because they strongly believe that whatever is going on is due to only God’s wish.
They do not have extreme access of joy and sad, because they have strong vote towards God’s existence. Even though nature experiences the doom disaster, their minds do not deflect even slightly. They are not biased to any earthy matters. They are always neutral as a stone. If you praise against stone, stone does not show its happiness. If you abuse stone, it dose not show its sadness. The world has no power to deflect their confidence. No one can change their way. To experience the real existence of God eternally within us is the prime well task for them; everything is secondary or nothing for them. They are always ahead for human services and always back for honors and appreciations. All human beings are brother and sisters for them and treating same as children of only one God. They do not touch others wealth and always pray for others health. They have compassion in their hearts for all panic poor people but do not have the feeling of revenge to anybody. To follow truth is to follow God is their strong belief. To live according to God’s wish is their motto and hence they do not require any comforts and facilities. There are many more merits of God’s real child, but to behave based on situations according to God’s wish is their main motto.
Even above all merits can be changed because these are listed merits of particular situations and we can say in short that spiritual persons do not take self decisions, they always ask God before doing any things and behave accordingly to the latest exhortation of God. All these etiquettes are as common as their breathing, they do not need to put any extra effort to do this and that is the real thing to observe.