We might have many friends as human beings and have some of them very close to our daily activities of the work oriented world. We might have very nice rapport with some special persons as well. However till when it lasts? It might last till the last breath of this life. Not more than this. But wherever you exist in this world, in any form or any species; your conscience would follow you all way. It will last with you till your immaterial existence. All this earthly relations are only associated with our material body. When the supreme soul leaves our body, nobody will continue with our breath. Body is still the same, it has two eyes, two legs, two hands, beautiful face and hairs, but what happen is breath formed supreme soul has left; the real beauty of the body has left its abode. This is why; this body is use in vain, now. All rapports will be broken and body will be demolished. Even though one wants to keep this body because of the person’s attachment; how long they can keep it. Body will smell and create discomforts for others. Feeling connection will be closed there and gradually all will be habitual to leave without that person’s existence. Conscience is the real replica of one’s actual universal existence. Though body has been left, it will not be expire. It is like a tenant, if your agreement of the house is finished and house owner calls you to leave the house, what will you do? We will find new house with new agreement. Same way the conscience is a tenant and leaves the body formed house when all breaths allocated to it are finished. House owner is the supreme personality of Godhead. God owns the all agreements as an owner of the endless infinite universe. Conscience will get new body based on the deeds have been performed in his previous incarnations. Once conscience leaves one body, it gets another body and starts new chapter of the life with new agreements and new destiny based on previous deeds.
Why one needs to have friends in their life? To ease the life, to share our good and bad moments of life and seek happiness ever. In order to keep this in mind, conscience is our very close elements. It knows our all mind transactions and our actual pictures what we are exactly. It lasts with us in all form of incarnations. It possesses our all profile even though we change our body. With passing away of body, merits and demerits will not pass away. It comes with us as it is being recorded in our conscience. Like potter circulates the wheel to make a pot. Although potter has stopped to circulate the wheel, it continues to move on because of perforce applied to it. Conscience continues to follow all merits and demerits because of pre-image inhibited within it. That is why it is worth deal to make your conscience as your close friend. Let capture all merits only and leave all demerits from this world.
Let be the conscience your friend and create your healthy profile which can help you in this life and all post lives.