There is one absolute establishment of prayer for all religions as part of our almighty devotion. Prayer stands for to appeal something, to ask or to request something in plain English. However it is not the perfect outcome of this word and the importance of this word. Prayer is a connection string to positive energy formed demigod we have in our heart. There are thousands of different forms of positive energy and all are named as God. Element is same, but forms are different and hence names are different. By the means of pray when we remember this holy energy with full of hearty passion and eternal voice which enchants our all body cells, we can feel the type of connection with that supreme energy of super power. We can feel the difference in our own. That is the mere spawning of the positive energy source which resides within us. Prayer is nothing but to awaken our own disguised source of happiness. It is certainly not used for any sort of appealing or requesting God to fulfill our selfish earthy motives. Because God knows better what he should do and what is better in one’s individual case. Prayer must not be used to blackmail God to ask for or to request for to come out from any worse situation we are facing. Whatever we are feeling as worse, may not be worse. It could be long term lesson for us to carve the better tomorrow for our life.
In case, we get our selves caught into some weird situations; we must deal with positive attitude to come out of it. We must keep the most ethical way to fight with the situations and should come out with the best positive that it is the situation gifted by God to which we were the only who can understand it most better way and deal with best things to come out. There is no way of blaming God for any such situations. And there is no use of requesting God by the means of prayer to ask for a miracle to come out. Miracle has already been gifted to you. You are a part of the most supreme energy of this cosmos and can deal with any greater worse situation than the one you are facing. Efforts are required only from our side, not from God side. God has done everything functional and best to the nature of all earthy and universal matters. We must not expect any interruption or interference in the nature which is functional with its best cycling processes. We can interrupt or interfere our own thought process, which is just diverted to negative way. We must monitor ourselves why we get such looser ideas in our mind to give up. We are here to do the fruitful work done and for that we are born. No one can escape from one’s own responsibilities and actions required to cope up with the situations. Being alive, there will not be end of all such challenging situations as God has created this world with full of dynamism. It is we who can find the cherish lessons in all situations and strengthen our positive connection to complete the ultimate goal of life.
Situations are just mere indicative alarms which help us to keep the supreme connection intact with supreme energy source to get the ultimate salvation peace.