If one is somewhat introvert then one can experience the existence of the conscience within oneself. People generally state it by one’s mind or intellect and many times as nature also. We might have one question when we are hearted by our kinsman or our loved ones why people have different nature. Why people cannot understand us as it is what we are. Actually the difference kept in all is the real illusion of the mighty God. The unique element within all is conscience what we called by different names as mind, intellect, one’s understanding power of good and bad etc. one can as popular as one’s conscience is developed or controlled. The grasping capacity is one more adjective of such conscience. One who can grasp more and deliver them in the best way is definitely successful among us. People used to see such personalities among them. Nevertheless the overall dissection of the varying conscience is still uncovered among common people.
Great persons are very much aware of such secret of the illusionary conscience nature. We heard many idioms and proverb like: ‘Nothing is impossible’, ‘Will will find the way’, ‘a man thinks so does he become’ etc. etc. These all denote the capacity of the conscience. One can mold one’s conscience as its wish to be.
Generally people are crazy for something from their childhood. The life dream comes in this position only, because it is high time to mold our self as our wish and we generally believe that we do not have much knowledge of this life and I will try my best to be adaptable as soon as possible. The confidence level of the sophisticated life is very poor for all at childhood. This factor motivates to mold our conscience into dream. Many of such dream seers become true in their life after the successful implementation of theirs life virtues set by their conscience. At this time above all idioms and proverbs seem true. Conscience is the gift of God from where we can go anywhere in this world as well as out of the world. The right molding of our conscience bring us to the ultimate destination of the life.
Why one worker can work so long on open sunlight area? Why students can learn even in the night during exam? Why one athlete can set up new records? Why we are ready to suffer all hardship for our family? Why we want to do anything for our dreams? Only answer is because our conscience allows doing so. A conscience power of man is the very general thing for human being.
However who mold one’s conscience as one’s friend is the real successful one.