The supreme personality of Godhead – Lord Shree Krishna told in the Bhagvad Gita, “To deliver the liberation of steadfast persons, to annihilate the evil minded elements and to reinstall the religion, I incarnate epoch to epoch ( Pritranaya Sadhunam, Vinshayach Dushkrutam, Dharma Sansthapnarthay Sambhavami Yuge Yuge) .
Here the world is not only focus, where the Supreme Soul is going to incarnate for reduce the overall crime-offence level, when it becomes extreme and not tolerable for all. That is there also, but each should understand it individually for ones welfare. We are also having many devils within us and till they are within us, we are not Sadhunam – Good human beings or steadfast person. Till the existence of these devils dharma cannot be installed within us. Dharma is the face of God and Godly virtues are inculcated within us when we become good human beings. To have the God kernel within us is not the solution for all to be a good person as well. However when the supreme soul Himself comes within us as having embodied shape of five elements, the all three matters are solved by Him. God formed saint as a human being comes to us and annihilate all devils formed bad acts. By being free from that devils, we get the new chance to be free from all sinful reactions and remain good human being then after. As a good human being – Sadhunam, God deliver us the ultimate liberation from the all material bondage. However all these happens after the inculcation of the Godly virtues within us.
When good feelings are immerged, God installs his imperishable elements as the liberated nectar within us, which was there within us as disguising form. Hence God comes and reinstall it as it should be. The flow for the emancipation takes place after the incarnation of the God. It does not mean till God comes here, we cannot do anything, because the initiation for the inculcation of Godly virtues is our part of job. Without attempt God never comes near. One should have the extreme hunger for getting God. Then after the flow takes place as: Dharma reinstallation Annihilation of Devils Liberation of Sadhunam.
The Supreme Soul incarnates epoch to epoch does not mean He comes only once for an epoch. Each and every day persons need to be free from devils within us. There are five called devils as word, touch, beauty, liquid and smell. The world is involved into these five devils and doing many unusual things. Unless we do not get free form these devils slave, further progress of inner sense does not archive. God always exist among us as embodied human to make us free from these devils. God teaches us the lessons by his living standards among us. We must initiate to find such God as our master to liberate ourselves.
Without God the world does not exist. We cannot wait for the time of an epoch, because human incarnate is limited for us and within this period of time we need to get the ultimate form of that Supreme Soul.
Image Courtesy http://www.Krishna.com