By knowing something, we cannot be knowledgeable. To know and to be knowledgeable are two different things. We come across to many such incidents where people say that they already know about the events or outcomes. They might be true sometimes, but is that something meaningful? To know something is not the way to be knowledgeable about that. By knowing something, we have to strongly believe on that. If we can believe, we can trust that information. We get the courage to say someone in advanced or to implement those actions. Being practical on the information we know is the only way to be knowledgeable about that.
A simple example is that someone gets the information online how to fly the kite? And then he tells people, “I know how to fly kite, which is not a big thing. I saw information online and I know everything about that.” If you ask that person how do you tie a knot of thread on kite, he simply says, “That is not a part of kite flying, which was not mentioned online.” See the height of just knowing something. People are used to take advantage to show their onus about their superficial knowledge. However, the basics are nowhere about in their portfolio which can give them confidence about that matter. Being practical is the way to gain confidence and to learn and explore more towards the basics of the matter. If those basics really make ourselves interested, then we can be more and more informative about it. All this information further is subject to confidence to make it implemented and to be knowledgeable
The correct information makes us to believe and to be confident. The supreme knowledge is the utmost courageous knowledge, which proves that blind can see the universe, handicap can climb the mountains and uneducated can preach the world. The height of being complete knowledgeable makes ourselves to reach our ultimate goal of salvation. The knowledge which gives us courage to make it implemented is the real soul knowledge. That is self-explanatory and auto elevated by the supreme power. The utmost reason to be here for any human being is to be completely knowledgeable to get the answers why we are here and what we have to do.