Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Freedom fights for freedom

It is not necessary that dense emotional outcome be joyful every time. Emitted emotional streams from the affectionate eyes also might have been the non-transactional sometimes. A constraint of having one and only one thought prevents hunger and thirst for very long time. Emotions saturated by one universal thought cause the inception of one extreme boring mundane inhale. There is a weight in the heart, though the perceptibility does not want that weight could be prevented. Person may know in which thing this dense exclamation ends. Although a living kernel is seeing the door in front of its eye sights, it must not try to step towards there. Although it experiences one complex bondage situation, affection towards that bondage situation has not been released yet. Bondage of extreme pain. Though it scatters down the emotions, it has not been leaved. Why does have this much of cost to be free? Because the cost of the freedom dwells in the bond-free situation. Nevertheless the question of emotion is only prim here. Why emotion is this much of emotional itself? Yes, the description of its physical existence is zero, though it tries to come out from its own universal existence. Situation looks like that ‘Freedom’ word have more need of to be free. Ultimately, the uttermost situation must be well organized by the God.
Result must be one either fruitful or fool full which depends on that emotion saturated by the universal thought.