As we grow gradually from childhood to rocking youth the states of mind set also changes simultaneously. We can feel that we are very more certain to many mundane tasks now that we could not do with recent ease in the past. Uncertainty comes from the fear disguised somewhere in our mind. The things that we have not done before are the subject of question whether we can do it or not. However the learning tempo will be preserved by that uncertainty which is caused of fear dwells in your ears. Exam fear makes students more conscientious. Likewise all occupations run under some fears. The fear of share market falls, fear of competitors, fear of new government policies etc make businessmen more careful to their acts. Same way person’s own elevation to altitude is also the outcome of such many fears. Fear of society status, fear of results, fear of feedback, fear of comments, fear of discontent of beloved one, fear of parent’s satisfaction, fear of traditions, fear of kinsmen and many more keep the person always perfect and refrain to do something wrong.
Spiritual person is considered self motivated in compare to these factors, because he/she knows all fear in advanced and those kinds of persons be adhered to their rituals and never do anything awkward other than their religious domain. In case they are going to commit any such act out of its personality people make refrained them to do so by regularly condemning. And this condemning fear is all common to each human being. It is our society mania or sort of psychological behavior that no one likes condemnation. This thing is good at one side and bad at other side. This is why I tempted to entitle this fear as it gears our altitude as well as tears aptitude. If fear is resulted into any good things which cause our overall human growth defiantly it gears are altitude. If we do not attempt any good initiation due to needless fear then it tears our aptitude to further peculiar elevation. If one does not have fear of its belongings means one is either very perfect or very innocent. The perfect person knows that fear is needed only for boosting attribute not for terrifying to it. Innocent does not have sense of fear and that is why he/she is out of its effect.
The whole world is run under one fear. People stick to the rules and regulation due to fear of punishment established by the government. Nations be disciplined due to fear of attacks from other nations. And the big fear out of all these is fear of death. This fear simultaneously rules all over the world and over each and every living attribute. Even though we know the result is on the hand of might God, we feel lots of fear and many times commit to sinful reactions. God possess the real anxiety to feed each and every one, because God is the only creator of this world and have all reigns of actions and reactions of this material world as well as spiritual world. Out of all fears the best fear is fear of God sovereignty and who believe in this are real mankind in this world, are real child of the God and the best entity of the universe.