Wednesday, September 3, 2008

All good things are God and God never dies!

We all have much goodness within us along with some bad factors. Although the thing which is prior here to focus is what is Good and Bad. The simple mean to Good is God and Bad is Evil. Good always likeable to all and bad to no one. This is a differentiable means of both which need the definition of Good and Bad. There are various definitions of Good and Bad according to different people. A person who personally believes a thing to be Good is good for him/her and same vice-versa for Bad. This is a psychological mean to the personal belief of human beings. Though then after a universal definition is also situated where we have to follow the real Good. All good things in this universe are simply mean to almighty God and it is an element that possesses the real goodness of all other factors together. Many times we might think why we should do this if it is not at all in my use. Nevertheless, the thing which you seem as good, remains good for ever and might come across to you in future.

To inculcate the goodness in the life is nothing but to inhabit the Supreme Personality of Godhead within you. Goodness is the alias of almighty God. Those many goodness within you as much as you have godliness within you, but we should not consider the psychological mean of goodness here when we are ready to inculcate the real godliness within us. If you have inculcated any good habit as a part of goodness, definitely it gives you its extreme compensation whenever you deserve it most. Though, we should not follow the right path as a greediness of the fruits comes from them. We should have mere aim for the salvation of the badness and enlightenment of the goodness as supreme soul of our mind. The consolidation of the goodness is because of its immortality.

The good is god and as god never dies, goodness also never dies even after your bodily death. Your goodness is always remembered by your fellow kinsmen and rest of the people who has the touch of your goodness. And this is the real immortality which comes from the nectar of goodness.

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