Happiness cannot be complex. If you say I want to be happy, it means you must start your journey towards the easiest way of life. Anything causes you hardness or worries, cannot be the way of your happiness. Even if you feel it as happy, that happiness is not long lasting; it is moment long happiness and ends very soon. However easiness is the momentous happiness of the world; everlasting and endless. When you are something, you have fear to loss it, but if you do not have anything, there is no cause to be worried. Easiness means to be thin, to be small, to be nothing and to feel ourselves as it is. To achieve something, you must put your best efforts. Easiness is the hardest goal and only very few can achieve it. Easiness does not mean to be workless. It is highest level of effort human can put in any activities.
It is very easy to change your location, change your home, change your wealth, change your vehicle, change your friends, change your relatives, and change your kinsman. However it is not easy to change ourselves. How easy we can handle all the earthy transactions of the world. How easy we can handle the challenges of the miseries come to us. How to balance our own mind and thus how to control our countless thought patterns which are just going on meaninglessly. How to make them meaningful and enjoyable? To inculcate easiness, we should present ourselves easy among all. We have to be changed. We must not fear and others should not have fear of us. We live harmless and do not produce harm for others. Just live the way God has decided for us. Do not keep our personal decision, because there are no such personalities available in this universe without that almighty omnipresent God. We cannot say our body as our self, because body remains after our death also. We cannot say we have done this with my wish, because we could do that only because God has gifted those moments to live here. Easiness is also to surrender unto the omniscient super power. Without his wish, a single leaf cannot move from its place.
To accept the complete power of that omnipresent god is easiness. To change false introduction of our own self to the universal common self is easiness. To obey each wish of that power as destiny is easiness. To merge our negligible molecule of that power into the complete source of universal power element is easiness.